new born baby Many women opt for a cesarean section when giving birth to their babies. While this is less painful than natural birth, there can be some complications that can arise. The key is to make an informed decision about how to have your baby.

While not extremely common, it can happen that the baby is accidentally cut during the surgical procedure. This can happen if the surgeon cuts too deeply. The wounds are usually superficial and healing takes place quite quickly. Nevertheless, no mom in her right mind wants to give birth to a baby that has incurred the wrath of the surgeon’s blade.

The expectant mother can experience a host of complications including infection and excessive blood loss. This can be so severe that a blood transfusion may be required. In some cases, hemorrhaging is so severe that it is necessary to remove the entire womb.

Women who have had previous surgery to the bladder or ureters stand the chance of damage to these during a cesarean. Mothers who have already had a cesarean are at risk of rupturing the womb during the latest cesarean.

It’s also possible that the placenta could fasten itself to the scar in the case of previous cesarean sections. The danger here is that excessive bleeding can take place. Another risk of cesarean section is that blood clots can form in the veins of the legs and the lungs. This is obviously incredibly dangerous for the expectant mother.

Death is also a risk in a small percentage of women, that said, this could happen during natural childbirth too. Mothers who elect to have this procedure, are at less risk than those moms who need an emergency procedure. Doctors will assess the risks in individual cases.

These risks are the exception and not the norm.It is also interesting to note that first time procedures are less risky than the second or third procedures. Most pregnant women undergo uncomplicated and successful cesarean sections. Your doctor will be the best person to determine your suitability for the procedure.

Facebooktwitter Baby ClubPregnancyMany women opt for a cesarean section when giving birth to their babies. While this is less painful than natural birth, there can be some complications that can arise. The key is to make an informed decision about how to have your baby. While not extremely common, it can happen...Pregnancy . Baby . Parenting